Wednesday, July 16, 2008

sitting, waiting, wishing

The title of this post is taken from a Jack Johnson tune, but I feel it applies appropriately to my current situation. Of course, the song is speaking of sitting and waiting and wishing for a girl, but I wait for something far more illusive, an entry visa for Sudan. My plan was to leave Lebanon for Sudan on Monday, the 21st of July, but the date is approaching and there are no positive signs that a visa will be granted any time soon. Add to this the current political/legal developments regarding the gov't of Sudan (check out CNN for details) and the outlook is even more bleak.

So, I'm here in Beirut for now, formulating the various possibilities for a plan B if it appears that this wait could end up to be a long one. In the meantime, I am continuing my arabic studies, and hanging out with the boys and staff at the orphanage, as well as a group of fine English folks that are putting on a summer program here for 2 weeks. The visa could come in 2 days, or 2 months, or not at all, but I hold out hope and pray that the eventual outcome is closer to that first option.

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